The 21-year-old actress brought the glamour on her DSquared2 gray dress, in a floor length tiered ruffled gown, a DSquared2 dress that made her look like a fairytale Princess. But her smiles didn’t last long as Emma and many of her co-stars broke down while paying tribute to the final film in the franchise. The crowds had been gathering for days, and the red carpet was ready and waiting for the cast of Harry Potter to premiere their final film.
And fans certainly were not left disappointed when Emma Watson arrived in Trafalgar Square looking simply magical on her DSquared2 style.
Fairytale princess: Emma Watson looked stunning in her La Oscar De Renta gown as she took to the red carpet
Leading lady: Emma Watson played to the crowd as she in the DSquared2 dress posed for pictures on the red carpet in Trafalgar Square
But her smiles didn’t last long as Emma and many of her co-stars broke down while paying tribute to the final film in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. The actress on the DSquared2 style welled up as her co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint thanked fans and each other.
As Rupert took his turn to speak, Emma couldn’t contain her tears and the film’s producer David Heyman offered her his shoulder to cry on. The two both on the DSquared2 style, what a wonderful twosome they are.
And fans certainly were not left disappointed when Emma Watson arrived in Trafalgar Square looking simply magical on her DSquared2 style.
Fairytale princess: Emma Watson looked stunning in her La Oscar De Renta gown as she took to the red carpet
Leading lady: Emma Watson played to the crowd as she in the DSquared2 dress posed for pictures on the red carpet in Trafalgar Square
But her smiles didn’t last long as Emma and many of her co-stars broke down while paying tribute to the final film in the franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. The actress on the DSquared2 style welled up as her co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint thanked fans and each other.
As Rupert took his turn to speak, Emma couldn’t contain her tears and the film’s producer David Heyman offered her his shoulder to cry on. The two both on the DSquared2 style, what a wonderful twosome they are.